Contribute to the Asia Environmental Governance Blog

The Asia Environmental Governance Blog is always looking for contributors.  If you have a topic related to the environment or environmental law in Asia and want to be featured, please submit a short summary (1 to 2 paragraphs) of what you intend to write about, a short bio and some links and sources you plan to include. We will contact you shortly thereafter to let you know whether you are invited to submit a full post.

If you are invited to submit a full post, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Submit an Op-ed style or informative piece ;
  2. Between 600-1200 words;
  3. Link to other webpages or sources where appropriate;
  4. Include a proposed Title and Summary of the piece;
  5. Include any media (images, picture of the author, videos, or audios) you would like to accompany the post; and
  6. Write a little something about yourself – we like to post author bios with our blog posts.

Email the above to  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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